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Curatorial Unit
Plain Design

Plainess is a design philosophy that may appear simple yet endlessly profound. Plain Design views design as a vehicle of self-actualization, a lens through which people observe ordinary life, and a means to uncover, sense, and gather insights. Through multidisciplinary integration, Plain Design crafts exquisite solutions that seamlessly align with the ideal of design.


Founded upon the concept of "Middle," Midroom Design consistently foregrounds the pivotal role of "design" during the process of observation and integration. Situated at the center where diverse perspectives converge into one interdisciplinary synergy through design, Midroom aspires to be the caring middle role which attends to every intricate detail around and radiates warmth.

Jer-Yu Sheu
Plain Design | Jer-Yu Sheu

Jer-Yu Sheu is the Art Director of Plain Design. Shifting focus from artistic creation to exhibition curation, he specializes in design integration and extrapolates unique design concepts via visualization.

Chung-Yuan Kuo
Midroom Design | Chung-Yuan Kuo

Chung-Yuan Kuo is the Design Director of Midroom Design. Approaching curation as a graphic designer and editor and incorporating vitality from interdisciplinary integrations, he makes captivating wonders in the recent exhibitions he curated.

Cooperative Partners


協同策展|黑生起司 楊志偉、陳如薇











協力夥伴|甘樂文創、正隆公司、阿原 YUAN、永聯物流開發、杰隆印刷、啤酒頭 釀造、雄獅文具、維志印刷、儒鴻企業 


"The Round City" is where we paint a vision for the Design Expo. With people at the core and space as the radius, the realms of life in New Taipei becomes the canvas of our imagination. Just like concentric ripples which expand, people here expand outwards or introspect inwards. "The Round City" allows us to traverse diverse realms. In this riverine city, we meet industry icons that instill imagination into ordinary life, revealing life's aspirations through various exciting remixes.

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